

What is the Life Journal Bible study?

The Life journal reading plan is a year-long Bible study plan. Part of the Life Journal is the S.O.A.P. format: Scripture, Observation, Application & Prayer.  I've found it to be a powerful teaching tool, allowing scripture to sink into my heart, and building a fantastic journal in the process.

Why do you blog?

I'm learning so much, now, about who my Savior really IS.  He is I AM.  He isn't a God that follows the mortal pattern of keeping oneself aloof from the majority of people because you simply can't sustain relationship with all. of. them.  He's a God of equality . . . He suffered all He did so we could have all He has, all the Father has.  He laughs and sings and loves to just BE with us.  He's into the things we're into, He works through our passions and interests to reach others, whether it's Harleys or sewing, construction or dance.  Yes, He is perfect . . . and in that way very different from us.  But He also was mortal.  He held loved ones.  He ran and played and skinned his knee and was held by His mother. He had friends, faithful and not so much, and He just wants to be close to us.  He wants friends.  Not servants or slaves.  Yes, we serve Him . . . but it's the service borne of love and equality, not the bound service of caste or class.  And I want more of the world to hear about this Jesus I know, this incredible God that can hardly wait for me to turn my mind to Him, so He can fill me with His love and directions and help and strength.