

My name is Annalea. This site is a collection of writings, journal entries, Bible study notes and personal experiences spanning roughly from late 2011 to the present (whenever that happens to be, at the moment). Quite a lot has come about between 2011 and now, and that is reflected clearly and deeply in the chronology of that collection: from squashed and searching, from cramped places and hungry to expanding into wholeness, to where I am now . . . far, far from squashed, although the search I began then is the kind I like best—the kind that never truly ends, for the subject itself is infinite.

So, dear reader—for you are dear to me, being part of this crazy, beautiful, wild, developing, unbelievably courageous, fragile and powerful human family we all find ourselves in—know this is a historical work, with perspectives and paradigms shifting and growing. I hope seeing that process helps you along your own, and you can bear in mind that things I wrote in 2013 are not always what I would write today.