O: It's easy for us human beings to settle into our status quo, and then relax into a long, slow backslide. Becoming accustomed to our conditions & environment is a skill necessary to survival with our limited brains--but in the realm of the spiritual, it's a tremendous enemy.
A: I can see this regression in those I know, and it fairly breaks my heart. People I love wandering in cargo cult religion*, but missing the point of the faith they profess.
P: Father, thank You for Your mercy and patience and love. Thank You for reserving judgement for Judgement Day . . . and giving your children time in which to find You. Please, let me love ALL of Your children. I found You through Your love in another--let me serve You in that way, too, Lord. Let me be a window to Your love, so others can see You, and find You, and You can claim them for Your own. Let Your love touch hearts and change lives . . . for there isn't any joy in this world unconnected with Your love. In Jesus' name, so be it. Amen.