
10 August 2013

Don't Be Afraid!

Scripture: John 12:10-11

Then the leading priests decided to kill Lazarus, too,  for it was because of him that many of the people had deserted them  and believed in Jesus.


Those priests were afraid.  They didn't know God, and didn't trust Him.  Playing the hypothetical game for a minute, if the Jews had accepted God; if the Sanhedrin had recognized Him and followed Him with true hearts, God would have made the perfect way for them to be delivered from the consequences the Romans could have dished out at their change in religious observance.  God takes care of His own.  Period.


Where am I still afraid? What ways do I still cling to that direct me away from the perfect path God has prepared for my needs?  Inside, I think & feel like I'll do pretty much whatever God wants me to do.  I'm getting better at simply being diligent, without compulsion-powered performance behind it. I also feel the old habit of self-flagellation dropping away.  (Hooray!!! lol) And I'm seeing God move more and more in my life.  But . . . I'm not to where Moses was.  Or Abraham. Or Mary, who saw Jesus at the garden tomb.


Lord Jesus, show me.  Send Your Spirit to convict me.  Ever lead and guide me as I baby-step my way closer and closer to You.