
15 September 2013

The Face of God

“And it will come to pass at the same time, when Gog comes against the land of Israel,” says the Lord God, “ that My fury will show in My face. (Ezekiel 38:18 NKJV)

The nations will then know why Israel was sent away to exile—it was punishment for sin, for they were unfaithful to their God. Therefore, I turned away from them and let their enemies destroy them. I turned my face away and punished them because of their defilement and their sins. (Ezekiel 39:23, 24 NLT)

I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, And on Your wondrous works. (Psalms 145:5 NKJV)

The concept of God's face being turned away from, or to, His people kept popping up today. Turning away because of iniquity, His fury against Gog showing in His face, and David meditating on the "glorious splendor of [His] majesty." These are all concepts that connote not only presence, but actual sight. 

God wants His people to see Him. He wants us to turn to Him, away from our sins & follies, and He will manifest Himself to us. He loves us like a mother does, loves us as His bride. The bonds of those love are powerful, motivating things . . . and He misses us terribly, deeply, and longingly. We, who are of the dust of the earth. 

Father, don't let me forget this. Keep before my eyes the remembrance of Your love--of all You've done for me, and for all of Yours. Give me the words to speak, plainly and undeniably, of Your love for your children, so I might speak Your love into their lives such that they'll never be the same. You are mighty to save, oh God of mine, and I glorify Your beautiful, generous, abounding name. In Jesus' name, amen.