Scripture: Luke 14:12-14 NLT
Then he turned to his host. “When you put on a luncheon or a banquet,” he said, “don’t invite your friends, brothers, relatives, and rich neighbors. For they will invite you back, and that will be your only reward. Instead, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. Then at the resurrection of the righteous, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you.”
Observation: Jesus seems to be speaking of the justice inherent in heaven. We all receive payment for our good actions and choices. They can come from earthly sources via men, or from heavenly ones (often via men). But payment only comes once, and from the source we choose.
Application: I heavily prefer the jaw-dropping generosity of Jesus over the mortal hearts of men. How about you?
Prayer: God, my Father in Heaven, help me to recognize Your hand in all things. Increase my faith and patience and wisdom, so I can see Your loving design in my life, and keep on following You more and more closely each day, each moment. So be it, in Jesus' name.