
07 November 2014

Head of the Corner

"My hope is built
On nothing less
Than Jesus' blood
and [His] Righteousness. 

I dare not trust
The sweetest frame,
but wholly trust
in Jesus' Name. 

Christ alone,
Weak made strong
in the Savior's Love. 

Through the storm
He is Lord,
Lord of all!

When darkness seems
to hide His face. 
I'll rest on His
unchanging Grace.
In every high 
and stormy gale
my Anchor holds within the veil. 

My Anchor holds within the veil!

Christ alone,
Weak made strong
in the Savior's Love. 

Through the storm
He is Lord,
Lord of all!

There may be more words to that song, but those are the ones running through my heart right now. And I rejoice, comforted, that my wandering heart is bound to the Anchor within the veil, Jesus Christ.

And I praise God for the Cornerstone. The stone rejected by the builders that has become the head of the corner, Who is the Only One truly Mighty to Save. 

Thank You, Lord.  A thousand times.  Thank You.