Look! A prophet!
Scripture: 2 Kings 3:11-12 NLT
But King Jehoshaphat of Judah asked, "Is there no prophet of the LORD with us? If there is, we can ask the LORD what to do through him." One of King Joram's officers replied, "Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He used to be Elijah's personal assitant." Jehoshaphat said, "Yes, the LORD speaks through him," So the kings of Israel, Judah, and Edom went to consult with Elisha.
It's so attractive to seek out a prophet and to hear from my God through her or him. Human nature wants something tangible--but even more, it wants something easy, and guaranteed. Let the prophet pour him- or herself into the worship and devotion and the word. Human nature just wants to drink from the fountain of life that flows from that kind of worship.
Prophets are a gift from God to His people, just as prophecy is a gift from God to specific people. I treasure prophetic words spoken to me, and the support and guidance of those with that gift in power. That said, I have always felt an assurance that God is just as eager to speak directly to me.
Lord of Heaven and Earth, show me how to better listen for Your voice; how to live so You can speak to me in power! I will hear and heed Your word through others (and I praise You for speaking to me in ANY way), but I hunger and thirst for You, personally, in my life. And I rejoice that you turn none away that seek you! In Jesus' name, so be it . . . and amen.