
14 March 2015

The Key to Greater Faith

Like the early apostles of Christ, I long for greater faith.
The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith." ~Luke 17:5 HCSB
 In study a while back, I came across this verse: 
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. ~Romans 10:17 NIV
The Amplified bible often includes the phrase "firmly relying trust" when the word "faith" appears. I love that, in opening my heart and mind to what God has to say to me, through scripture, through the God-given words of those I love and trust, and most importantly through my own connection with the Divine, my faith . . . my firmly relying trust in God . . . grows.

Time to seek more of the Word. I'm so glad it's delicious to my soul. :o)